Using the Command-line client application¶
Once is installed, access the command-line client as follows:
python -m stomp -H localhost -P 61613
As of version 4.0.3, a is also installed into the bin dir (at least on unix), so you can also run:
stomp -H localhost -P 61613
After a successful connection, you can type commands such as:
subscribe /queue/test
send /queue/test hello world
If you need to pass a username and password to the client:
stomp -H localhost -P 61613 -U admin -W password
Run the following to see the list of startup arguments:
$ stomp --help command-line client
Usage: stomp [options]
--version Show the version number and exit
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-H <host>, --host=<port> Hostname or IP address to connect to. [default: localhost]
-P <port>, --port=<port> Port providing stomp protocol connections. [default: 61613]
-U <user>, --user=<user> Username for the connection
-W <password>, --password=<password>
Password for the connection
-F <filename>, --file=<filename>
File containing commands to be executed, instead of
prompting from the command prompt.
-S <protocol version>, --protocol=<protocol version>
Set the STOMP protocol version (1.0, 1.1, 1.2) [default: 1.1]
-L <queue>, --listen=<queue> Listen for messages on a queue/destination
-V, --verbose Verbose logging "on" or "off" (if on, full headers
from stomp server responses are printed)
--heartbeats=<heartbeats> Heartbeats to request when connecting with protocol >=
1.1 (two comma separated integers required) [default: 0,0]
--ssl Enable SSL connection
--ssl-key-file=<key-file> ssl key file
--ssl-cert-file=<cert-file> ssl cert file
--ssl-ca-file=<ca-file> ssl ca certs file
And you can also get more help within the application using the help command:
> help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF begin help rollback sendfile stats ver
abort commit nack run sendrec subscribe version
ack exit quit send sendreply unsubscribe
Some of the differences to the programmatic API are the ability to run a script, and to send files (run
, sendfile
, stats
> help run
run <filename>
Execute commands in a specified file
> help sendfile
sendfile <destination> <filename>
Required Parameters:
destination - where to send the message
filename - the file to send
Sends a file to a destination in the messaging system.
> help stats
stats [on|off]
Record statistics on messages sent, received, errors, etc. If no argument (on|off) is specified,
dump the current statistics.
Apart from that, the commands are largely inline with what you can do programmatically. Note that you can run it as a normal CLI, as a standalone listener and use it to run a script of commands.